25 May 2022
Latrobe Valley Asbestos Taskforce
The Latrobe Valley Asbestos Taskforce was established by the Victorian Government in 2019 to undertake a review into how asbestos is managed in the Latrobe Valley.
As a collective the taskforce and GARDS have done some important work together towards asbestos awareness and health.
Key Focus Areas of the taskforce
The taskforce will:
- develop a clear understanding of community expectations about asbestos management and disposal in the Latrobe Valley.
- design a plan for the management of asbestos for all Latrobe Valley sites and locations
- enquire into and report to Government on current asbestos waste handling processes and safety practices within the public and private sector
- raise awareness of asbestos related risks to change behaviour (priority is apprentices and home renovators).
Find out more, visit the taskforce website > https://www.asbestostaskforce.net