11 July 2024

Alternatives to Engineered Stone

Australia will implement a ban on engineered stone starting July 1, 2024, due to the significant health risks posed to workers, particularly the development of silicosis. Engineered stone contains high levels of crystalline silica, which releases harmful dust when cut, ground, or polished. This ban aims to protect stonemasons and cabinet makers from the debilitating lung disease caused by inhaling silica dust.

With this ban, homeowners and renovators have several alternatives to engineered stone for benchtops. Porcelain is becoming a popular choice due to its durability, heat resistance, and variety of styles and finishes . Natural stones like granite, marble, and quartzite are also viable options, offering timeless appeal and resilience, though they come at a higher price. Other alternatives include solid surface materials, such as Corian, which are non-porous and can be seamlessly integrated into designs, and laminate, which has evolved to offer many stylish and affordable options. Timber and concrete are also emerging as stylish and sustainable choices for modern kitchens.

(Inka Interiors) (Domain) (Homes To Love)