04 May 2018
Monash Uni Gippsland 1st Year Medical Students Class of 2018
This first week in May 2018 the Asbestos Council of Victoria/GARDS team were at Monash University Gippsland talking to 1st year medical students, 107 of them about asbestos disease & the impact it has on the sufferer & family and the wider community – great bunch of students – terrific questions & interaction – as you can see by the tee-shirts on the students we are all celebrating our 10 year anniversary – the ACV/GARDS team have met many 100’s of students over the 10 years and we hope that we have left them with something to think about and a clearer view on the issues and the hurdles our sufferers and their families face every day. We want to thank very much – Rhonda Dunn, Sharyn Fenech, Brian & Karen Healy, Dorothy Roberts, Marie Smith and of course Vicki Hamilton for all their knowledge and experience around the issues and sharing that with the students. It was an honour and privilege to meet all of the students. We wish them all the best in their chosen profession into the future – they will all make fantastic caring Doctors. Pictured below are some of the 107 students with their 10 year tee-shirts proudly displayed. And our team of knowledge.