15 January 2016
Support Group meetings for 2016
New drugs and Medication, and dealing with death
Come to our first support group meetings for 2016 to hear speakers discuss these important and very real topics.
Date and time:
Tuesday 23 February at 1.30pm
Luke Prust – Chemist
Luke will speak about new drugs on the market and how to handle your medications
Date and time:
Tuesday 29 March at 1.30pm
John Bottomley – Minister, Uniting Church Australia
John will be coming to talk about a report he prepared called “Our system isn’t geared for death”
You’re invited to stay after our meetings for afternoon tea.
International Workers Memorial Day Event
Date and time:
Thursday 28th April at 11am
Centenary Rose Garden, Commercial Road, Morwell
Annual Wreath Laying Ceremony to honour those who have lost their lives through workplace
accidents and illness
Speakers TBC
Danny Boothman (Member of the Strzelecki String Busters singing ballads)
Paddy O’Dowd (Musican and singer)
Minister Russell Jones conducting an ecumenical service
Bill Dunbar Scottish bagpiper
Free community BBQ at the conclusion of the event with the compliments of
Gippsland Trades and Labour Council
Date and time:
Tuesday 31st May at 1.30pm
Speaker: TBA
Bus Excursion to Darnum Musical Village
Date and time:
Tuesday 28th June at 9.30am – leaving the ACV/GARDS office – 41 Monash Road, Newborough
returning approx 2.30pm
Total cost $30 payable prior to day of trip. The cost is for lunch
Lunch will be:
Pumpkin Soup
5 points of sandwiches
Lamington finger
Tea and Coffee
Date and time:
Tuesday 26th July at 1.30pm
Davin Nicholas – Teacher Federation Training GippsTAFE
Painting and Decorating
Davin will be speaking about volunteering his time as a part of Project Klic in Cambodia. The project facilitated the reconstruction of the Klic School in the Ratanakiri Province, which enables 140 students from the area to go to school in the North East of Cambodia. Project Klic is funded by the Bryn Hendry Foundation, a grass root’s charity which raises money to build schools in poverty stricken regions around the world. The foundation was initiated by the family of Bryn Hendry; who at just 16 years of age made the tragic decision to end his life. In honour of Bryn’s memory, his family now aim to build 16 schools, one for each year of Bryn’s life. A large scope of work was carried out by the 8 volunteers over 10 days to help improve the Primary School. Whilst in Cambodia, Davin assisted with a range of tasks including; painting, building a hut for the caretaker and her 3 children, dismantle the old teachers hut, using recycled material and relocated the chicken house and fencing.