04 March 2024

Union Aid Abroad APHEDA

ACV/GARDS attended a function at Coopers Inn Exhibition Street Monday 4th March to honour a delegation of our Asian neighbours on the great work that is going on in their countries with the help of #APHEDA #ADDRI #MAURICEBLACKBURN #PAULSIGNORELLI#Tanyaplibersek #ACTU– terrific support for a wonderful cause to save lives into the future – Union Aid Abroad’s delegation of 12 trade union, government, and NGO representatives from Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos attended the Melbourne ASBESTOS 2024, the conference of the Asbestos and Silica Safety and Eradication Agency (ASSEA).

The delegation attended the conference to learn from Australia’s tragic history and current challenges in dealing with asbestos, particularly safe removal, as well as the latest advances in disease diagnosis and treatment.

The special guest for the evening was Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, Minister for the Environment and Water. The Minister welcomed the delegation and provide remarks on the importance of the campaign to eradicate asbestos in our region, as well as the Government’s work on the reform of the Rotterdam Convention, which regulates hazardous chemicals globally.

In addition to close collaboration with the ACTU and the Australian Government on the Rotterdam Convention, Union Aid Abroad’s campaign ‘Asbestos – Not Here, Not Anywhere’ is making strong progress in the region. delegation hopes to use the conference to better understand the risks and build networks that can help achieve asbestos bans in the region.

This event was co-hosted by Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA and the ACTU with support from Maurice Blackburn.

Here are some pics from the night…