Chisholm TAFE Frankston Plumbers 26th Aug

26th Aug saw the ACV/GARDS girls take another great session of asbestos awareness to 35 apprentice plumbers from Chisholm TAFE Frankston. The apprentices are now asbestos aware. The apprentices had terrific enthusiasm and lots of questions – we enjoyed talking with them all. We wish them every success in their chosen careers. It was great…

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Asbestos Support Group Network of Australia

8th August saw the ACV/GARDS girls Vicki and Tanya attend the Asbestos Support Group Network of Australia catch up in Sydney at the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency offices – the network catch up was well attended and much was discussed about forward Strategic planning and issues that confront the support groups in all their…

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Emeritus Professor Rae Mackay Mine Commissioner Speaker

30th July was our monthly support group meeting attended by some 22+ people we were very lucky to have as our speaker Emeritus Professor Rae Mackay Mine Commissioner and his engagement officer Mary Mathew – Rae explained to those gathered about how over the next 50 years the mines in the Latrobe Valley may be…

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AGL Loy Yang Monash University Students Tour July 31st

31st July saw ACV/GARDS rep Vicki – take Monash University Medical Students Ruxanda and Nesreen – along with their Professor Margaret Simmons out to AGL Loy Yang for a tour of the power station and mine. It was a great day and a really great opportunity for these students and their lecturer to get a…

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Chisholm TAFE Frankston Plumbers 29th July

29th July 2019 saw the ACV/GARDS crew at the new Chisholm TAFE Frankston campus delivering an asbestos awareness session to 20 apprentice plumbers – lots of questions & plenty of serious conversation – these apprentices are now more asbestos aware – thanks to Fred the trade teacher for being so helpful – it was a…

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Chisholm TAFE Frankston Carpenters 25th July

25/7/19 the ACV/GARDS crew were at the new Chisholm TAFE Frankston campus – very impressive new building. We were delivering an asbestos awareness session to 35 apprentice carpenters – really great questions & lots of chatter about all things asbestos – great bunch of apprentices who are now much more asbestos aware – We wish…

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ACV/GARDS Office Official Opening July 2019

18.7.2019 – Great day today for the official opening of our new office at 211 Lloyd Street Moe. Hon. Minister Jaclyn Symes Minister for Regional Development – Minister for Agriculture -Minister for Resource and our Upper House Member of Parliament Harriet Shing MP did us the great honour of attending today. We were pleased that…

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New Multivan For ACV/GARDS

July 17th saw some of the ACV/GARDS girls Vicki, Dot & Marie and two of our Monash University Medical students who are working with us on placement – Nesreen and Roxy,  travel to Traralgon Volkswagen to take delivery of our new multivan – we were all very excited and extremely proud to be picking up…

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Chisholm TAFE Berwick Plumbers & Electricians 15th July

The ACV/GARDS crew attended Chisholm TAFE Berwick 15th July & delivered an asbestos awareness session to 50 – 60 apprentice plumbers and electricians – it was a great session and plenty of interaction – great bunch of apprentices now more asbestos aware!! 😎🤞 Thank you to all their trade teachers for being so welcoming  

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Melbourne Poloytechnic Epping Campus 9th July

9th of July saw the ACV/GARDS crew at Melbourne Polytechnic Epping campus conducting an asbestos awareness session to Painting & Decorating apprentices. Great session with a bright bunch of apprentices. Plenty of questions & exchanging of info. P & D apprentices now more asbestos aware – thanks for the enthusiasm – good luck in your…

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