Asbestos Awareness Chisholm TAFE Berwick

Wednesday 6th July 2016 the ACV/GARDS team travelled to Chisholm TAFE at Berwick to deliver an asbestos awareness session to some very enthusiastic apprentice plumbers and their trade teachers. It was a very productive morning session and the apprentices had many questions to ask. The ACV/GARDS team want to thank all the apprentices and the teaching…

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Asbestos Awareness session Chisholm TAFE Berwick

Today we traveled to Chisholm TAFE at Berwick to conduct an asbestos awareness session with 40+ apprentice Plumbers & Electricians – it was a great session and the apprentices asked terrific questions. Well done to you all – it was such a pleasure to chat with you about everything asbestos! Thanks to Chisholm TAFE and students…

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Monash University Medical School Asbestos Awareness 2016

  On the 12th of April the ACV/GARDS team and Dr John Scarlett, medical oncologist engaged 1st year medical students at Monash University Gippsland campus in a session on asbestos awareness. The aim of the ACV/GARDS group panel discussion was to enlighten the students to the medical, social, emotional and environmental issues around asbestos, talking…

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Support Group meetings for 2016

New drugs and Medication, and dealing with death Come to our first support group meetings for 2016 to hear speakers discuss these important and very real topics. February Date and time: Tuesday 23 February at 1.30pm Speaker: Luke Prust – Chemist Topic: Luke will speak about new drugs on the market and how to handle…

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